How to keep your engineers well fed when the food runs out It’s happened to us all. You stare smugly at your backlog. It’s perfect. It’s a work of beauty and you’re all set for sprint planning tomorrow. You pat yourself on the back, grab a coffee and make a few little...
6 Unconventional Trello Board Templates for Product Managers
We take a look at 6 less common ways you can use Trello as a product manager We all love a bit of Trello. As product people it permeates our existence like coffee and pretentious notepads. And we’re all used to using Trello in fairly conventional ways; typically for...

5 Essential Business Skills for Product Managers
Products are businesses. A solid foundation of business skills is critical for product managers. As product managers we are expected to possess a combination of business skills, technical knowledge and UX / design expertise. It's a hefty list of qualities as we rarely...